The exciting thing is that I get to design a new sewing space all to my self, in the attic of our new home! I just wonder how long it will be before I have a completed sewing room again. When we move my sewing room will go into the 5th bedroom which we have named the "cottage cheese room" because the texture on the wall bears a striking resemblance to that of cottage cheese. The house has great potential but it needs a lot of tlc/updating. It hasn't been updated in 20 yrs.
We have been looking for a couple of years for a house that meets our criteria, however it became evident that unless we put some hard work into fixing something up, that we would never be able to afford what we wanted/needed in a house. To be honest, I never really wanted to move mainly because I love our house and it would have been paid off in 14yrs but unfortunately this house is just becoming to small for our growing family.
The last bit of sewing that I did before the sewing room was dismantled and put into boxes for storage was this purse - Simplicity 2685 View D. It was one of the items that went into a door prize for a mom to mom sale that our church organized. The money raised form the sale will buy mosquito netting for families in Africa, to prevent malaria. I have sewn from this pattern before but I didn't sew the flap on it the first time. I like how it turned out but realized after that I didn't follow the directions on this one as the top portion of the flap is supposed to be sewn into the top seam. Ah well, lesson learned (maybe) next time follow the directions!
Jalie 3132

I had to have this pattern when it came out. The funny thing is that I purchased it with the intention of making the nursing version of the top however felt that I really liked non-nursing version better. The only change I made was to add a contrasting binding to the kangaroo pocket using my cs machine. I used cotton interlock from for it and it feels great.